
Feeling: exhausted
school is really starting to upset me. four major tests tomarrow. finals next week. i cant wait until next year so i can take zero through fourth and get out damn early and party. plus i would be a senior. ah today i went to karissa's h20 polo game with eddie, brandon, garret, josh, kyleen, rita, so on and so forth. it was pretty fun. jen is a meany. we killed karissa's baby. i was gonna go out of town this weekend and go play in the snow but maybe we're not going anymore. i dont really care. ive been going to my cabin for like 13 years. its sorta boring. if we dont go ill probably just ride all weekend. i heart you guys
Read 11 comments
back at you! awwe and hope school goes fine.. ill bet it will
Hey.. yea it was good seeing you. I really wanted to talk to you but no. You and your stomache... gosh. Well maybe next time if I get to talk to you then you will put my name in your diary instead as refering me to "and so on and so forth" haha love ya!
i am not a meany and i didnt kill the baby i put it out of its miery becuase kyleen wounded it..r u going to talk to me yet?

shit i have finals this week its stressing all the studying
hey, kick ass diary, I was wondering how do you make that poppy up thingy when ppl go to your diary. The thing that says why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit and then the man suit. lol im stupid
Good luck on finals.
ahh. i hate german tests.
yeah i already faled on final i stayed up tell 2 in the morning studying and i forgot my caculator and i asked to use this on kids and my teacher told me i couldnt so i couldnt like half the proplems whitch pissed me off
yah i did get my title out of your profile...i need a title and i like your yay!

haha thanx for letting me steal it.

Paul is my boyfriend...
what in not aloud to wear my stupid bunny suite what is this shit well can i atleast wear my birthday outfit ?
hehe tootles CyNdY