
Feeling: lackadaisical
Hiya! I wroted an entry in shop but it gotted deleted, which is quite allright cuz im in like 30 times better mood now:)
We got a 98% on our puppet thing and he told us in the beginning that the most to expect would be 95 cuz the last 5 points for creativity and humor and stuff and he doesnt give them out too easily.. ANYWAY I guess the duck(me;)) getting his head chopped off was pretty cool and the whole "quack" pun at the end was pretty funny.. Lol He said he liked my Evil duckie laugh:)
Walking Home
Anywhore, I was really tired but when I walked outside to get on the bus, i just didnt feel like it.. SO I went back inside and asked Jeremy if he was walking and he was.. soo I walked with him... AND we talked a lot. He told me next time he gets a gf he won't fall so easily and fast and stuff.. and I gave him my expert advice on that;) haha...
Not Walking Home
Umm then Jeremys mommy picked him up like she usually does.. and THEN awhile later, she pulled back over and asked if I wanted a ride cuz he was goin to Kerry's uncles, which happens to be pre close to my house:) Yeah so got a ride with him, went to see Eric and Kerry for a couple minutes...
Eric told me to hold his coat and I told him I was gonna steal it til tomorrow.. and he said as long as I brought it back tomorrow, it would all be good.. So Now I have Erics coat:) and it smells soo Eric-like..AHhh... issues
hehe.. so yeah Im waiting to see if Sara's car is fixed and stuff so I can shop for my brother..
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How nice for you to be able to choose, on a day-by-day basis, whether to walk or take the bus to and from school. I imagine I would prefer to walk except in inclement weather.

The announcer who said "Do you love Dick?" probably realized, as soon as the words left his mouth, that he shouldn't have phrased it that way...but of course it was too late.