.+. Allright

I have to write about all this crap sometime, it may as well be now while I'm in a good mood...
Phone convo with dad. Ended up crying because he's going to Iraq because "thats where the money is and you have to follow the money!" But it'll be okay becuz he comes home every 6 months.. ugh..
My mom wants to go out to eat..my brother and Sara are kidless so I say to call them...she does. My brother says I broke a promise? And shit..and hes mad at me? Haha I dont fuckin know... SO we get to dinner and he ends up being a complete dickhead..Saying my Pap should die becuz thats the only way he'll ever get anything out of him.. That makes me cry and I tell him he's an arrogant jerk.. He apologizes for being a dick...We go out to the car find out Sara's pregnant again..At first not good news..Baby Makes Five.. BUT then we talk about names and get all excited.. If she has twin boys the girl/boy thing will even out..HAHA PLEASE NO! but I hope it's a boy or poor Jarek will be the only one..hehe.. I end up staying at Sara's and we play 3 games of Clue and talk...things are better w. me and jackass..
Wake up to *bring bring bring GET THE PHONE ITS NOT GONNA ANSWER ITSELF* (my ringer) and yeah its my mummerz wanting to go to breakfast..sooo we get up and go to eat... I decide JD should take me with him to dads later when he goes.. He comes to get me and we go up..its fine, pretend nothings wrong..blah blah blah THEN THEN THEN I came home and waited FOREVER for Eric and Tim to come..then we got Sashie and went to Town Perk, then Denny's. It was a fun time:) We must do it more often for a longer period of time.. For Real.. Im going to shows the next 2 saturdays in a row soo yeah.. hehe..FUN
Lots more stuff happened but Im too tired to write about it..sooo Im abandoning this entry to go to sleep.. Gnight.
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Why thank you:)
Im good. Im still alive so Im good [lol?]
How are you?