.+. Bah

Haha Im a sheep! Rawr! Im a lion! lol..good movie.. Super Timmy is back!
Me and Ashlee gotted stuff on financial aid today and talked to Mrs.Mammet(?¿) about it...it was cool:)
Ive decided to go the hyper way rather than the depressed way.. Being depressed is overrated, and its just blah right now. It doesnt make my problems go away..soo happy is the way I am right now..Lol I cant stop smiling:) I talked to my darling Jc Rueda on the phone today. He's such a doll, I love him to pieces..hehe...Anyway yeah, we talked about boobs and ghetto booties! lol, what a blast!
I went to my grams tonight..hehe we got Arbys and Taco Bell.. Woot. My mummerz gave her a bath and I got my 2 aunts' cell phone numbers and I was texting them whole bunches of messages..hehe That was amusing..i took a picture of Puss the Cat (imagine!)...and he tried to kill me.. lol
Gooood night people:)
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