Ee. -Edit - Creation

Allright so Creation doesnt start with an E but we'll all live... soooo I got back from Creation on Sunday and still didnt write about it...and then Somebody asked me if i ever was going to soo I guess I Woooop Edit Starts with E!!!
When we got there it was a lot hotter out than I was used to so I had a mad headache..but anyway we all had to go down to the tarp for worship and I found out BarlowGirl is a good band..and David Crowder Band was a worship band which was kinda cool..Oooh and after that were the Switchfoot and Relient K concerts!! Woot. I didnt think I liked Relient K but they were actually pretty good. Im thinkin maybe its just something about Creation that makes me like music I don't normally like..Ashlee,Abby, & I went up front for those 2 concerts where we met Ben and Justin... Then after those we went and got a nice freezing cold shower...Oooh that felt good that night:) Lol...Then Ashlee ate a smore and we went to bed at like 11:30..early
We woked up and got breakfast..then went to AM worship,heard the Lincoln Brewster Band and then "shopping" with no money.. Then after lunch me and Ashlee walked up the hill..andddd on our way back to camp we found none other than Christopher Eastin!! Woot. We got Abby and went to the Fringe stage and sat by a tree while we listened to a little of MOC until a seminar.. The seminar was by David Burke and was Extremely boring soo we all talked and didnt pay attention..(fun times)...We hadda leave that early to get back to camp for K.P. then for evening worship some Buster guy talked.. then we showered during TobyMac and umm I dont member what else happened that day..
I was wayy tired when I woke up so we all sorta just chilled until lunch..and thats when Theresa got there..So I told her there was room in our tent and she should move her stuff in...Okay so around 1ish we went to see some of the Disciple concert and we sat by a tree lol..after that Chris,Theresa,Abby,& Ashlee walked up the hill while I went shopping and waited for them..and at 3 we went to see a really good seminar by Lakita Garth.. She was funny:) We went to see Thousand Foot Krutch at the Fringe Stage and Ashlee got in both the mosh pits..THEN we ate and went to see Jeremy Camp. We walked up to Chris's tent to find him sleeping and Ashlee and I left him a ransom note (for his fan)...The night speaker was Bob lenz, hes always gooood.. Ashlee,Theresa,and I went up front during Casting Crowns for a good Newsboys spot but I didnt feel good when we got up there soo I left..I found Abby who needed we walked to camp and then to find Chris (who was still sleeping in his tent) and we woked him took forever..but then we got him up and he went to the Newsboys concert with us..That is always a really good concert.. and then there was the candle lighting..and I still felt sick so I skipped the Creation House Party.. I ended up sitting by the fire til Ashlee and Theresa got back and then we all went to bed..
Woke up at 5:30 and went with Abby to get a Hot shower for once..Abby french braided my hair and then we ate breakfast..Ashlee came back with no success of finding her morning worship I fell asleep and then we went Real shopping and got a bunch of stuff..Then we had lunch and I went with Abby & Chris to watch KJ at the Main stage in the shade and met a guy named Ivan because I stole his chair...and felt it was only nice to introduce myself lol...Uhh Then a seminar which they both fell asleep at..Then dinner and KJ-52 at the Fringe stage..And Ashlee left to see Kutless and actually Found her husband!!! Thennn during the Audio Adrenaline concert, me and Abby were at our chairs and Chris came over all upset because he got in a big fight with his friend..soo we calmed him down a little and went together to the Mercy Me concert (last concert)...and yeah Then we found Ashlee and Theresa at Chris's tent.. and we all said goodbye to him and his friend Jesse.. Then we had to sit at the campfire to share..and ended up freeeeezing and couldnt go to bed until they let us...
Sunday morning we got up and packed everything up...On the ride home we were all tired so I just sat up front while the 3 other girls sat in the back..and I talked to Ian,Karen, and Robert..Those two guys were pretty cool...Then my mom called and I found out my gram was in the hospital and they thought she was gonna die..and I hadda get my brother to pick me up and that was that... Thats how creation went.. It was a lotta fun and lol it was better cuz Ashlee and Theresa both had endless energy and Me and Abby are more laid back..sooo we all got to do what we wanted and had a good time...For some reason Chris hung all over me..but it was still a good time:) Yep.. It was awesome..hopefully next year we can go without the church though..just get a little group of people or something..It'd be grand Anywayy...thats what happened and yeah noww I have to go talk to my mom about what we're doin tonight.. (hehe..Nora's) Its gonna be great;) . . Tricia . .
Read 4 comments
*psssttt*Skillet didn't play at this years Creation. It was during kutless
Heh, yea. It is sad :/
Lol Good job.
Lokk at that I even got you an E for your E