.+. Bath

Listening to: Blood
Feeling: abused
Yuppers I gave my pretty car a bath.haha.pretty. FUNNY. But it runs! Hehe We drove it to the Y and to Morris's.. THEN we decided it needed a bath for Real..SO yeah I gave it a bath at the Car Wash thing and yeah it was grand..now its CLEAN!
My moms gonna get a single family membership at the Y because Nora wants to start going with her..haha of course when Nora askes, she gets us one.. Haha morons. Anyway yeah So when me and Ashlee go this summer we'll have the Womens Locker Room code. How hott is that!?!
My brother was pissed that Joey was the first one to tell me when my dad was leaving.. So we went up to my dad's today and my brother told Joey it wasnt his place to tell me and that my dad shouldve told me and such..I HATE the fact that Im going to miss my dad.. It kills me inside to know that he'll be gone..not just gone but in Iraq. What kind of crazy fuck face goes there if he isnt even going to fight the war or anything?..I dunno.. Does it run in ur blood, to betray the ones u love? He's plannin on telling everybody when hes leaving at the reunion on Sunday.. I really dont wanna go alone..:(
*sigh* amber. *sigh* I dunno what to do or say anymore..I guess just back off and be Tricia..as always. But Tricia..is not Amber. I'll wait for you, but I can't wait forever.
Ive gots to go get myself a shower now.. Tomorrow Mom and I are headin to Walmart and getting stuff to clean the inside of my car cuz my lovely uncle left it all sticky sooo yeah... Oh Welpz..It will be clean after tomorrrrrrow.. bye
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yay for bath time for cars :] i dont have a car yet damnit >.> lol. i'll have one soon from what the rents say, though. :]