.x. Opinionated

Feeling: appreciated
Talking to Martin on the bus ride home yesterday made me realize, hes really not the person I thought he was. He was talkin about how Shannon only has "gay/lesbian" friends to piss him off.. and then he was talking about blacks/ hispanics and stuff.. I dunno, he's very predjudice...It just kinda bugged me
I spent the night at my brother's last night. It was pretty okiez.. haha.. Umm we watched some Barbara Walters special about Women in Maximum Security Prisons..and then I went downstairs and played pool with just my brother.. that was awesome:) I think I actually might be better at it now too..hehe
Sara and I took all 3 girls to the mall today to get her 2 Easter sandals.. Ugh what a trip.. haha Michaela was good..and Brynn was okay.. Karlie was a fuckin trip though.. She was such a little brat today.. I dunno bout her..haha
After I got home, me and mom went to Kmart..and I got CDRs and a new phone:) cuz our phone has been fucked up lately..the only bad part is its not a headset phone:( soo saddening.. Ahh Welpz... hehe Later Dudez
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ur sooo funny...what is waitandbleed's last name..her first name is ashley...computer tech..jr...well ttyl,
Lol!!!!!!! I watched that at kyle's house with his mom!! Lol I started laughing at the baby and the rose part.. Lol. Then later his mom said I had to watch it so I know why I shouldn't go there and I said no its cuz I know what it would be like to be in there!! lol!
Lol and the part with sex in prision I was like "Why don't they just use there hands?!
Hey you! Hope ya been doing ok I haven't got to talk with ya for awhile! Well ttyl love!