I could be your sunshine =)

Listening to: ShutUp-Simple Plan
Feeling: somber
agh we got like an effin foot of snow..um...monday but we got outa school early (halfaday baby) but it didnt snow till like 4.. dumbasses heh im not complaining and yesterday.. NO SCHOOL BIOTCHES(srry for the language it just sounded cool) =X lol but i was bored the hole effin day! and then today heh dont even get me started.. we gotta effin 2 hrdelay when we shoulda had no school! like we almost ran over an old lady on the bus (it was funny as hell) we almost crashed into a stuck sears truck! and we didnt make it up a hill! geeze.. theirs sum real dumbasses for ya.. i sware they just like death wishes =O anyway..tomarrow es thursday.. tonight the ladiez had practice.. and tomarrow a home game 'gainst canton =)and we got pictures oh boy lol Um.. what else shall i tell u bout my boring life?hmm well if sumtin happens.. ill b back 8-) Peace Out Peeps 8-) tell me what ya think I Love You =)
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I saw it It's O.k you might like it I don't.
~Samantha~ :)
hey how do u get ur mouse like that