Call me Nick.

Listening to: sealab 2021
Feeling: impressed
ya so once again... i'm bored to all hell. i feel like i'm in 7th fucking grade. today i rode bikes all around with nathen devin and then we met up with joaquin and bret witch was a good time. i have a huge secret for every one in the world and if you are wondering what it is you are really bored too. i sould go. i hate the hamburgler.
Read 9 comments
i hate being bored. it sucks.
hope things work out for u...

the only thing that i know of that has 4 strings is a violin...a guitar has 6 right?

anyways, cool diary
you didnt like our little bike parade?
oooooooooooooooooooooh! tell me your huge secret.youre really a woman huh?
in anycase,the hamburgalar fucking suck it bitch.
loving sealab
CALL ME! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU! ya knwo have a little chat..mabey over a nice cup of tea? mabey bring the kitten...! ok call me much love!
nicckkk-eeee be my friend.
stop listening to shitty music. i.e clit 45, and all that other negative boring shit that just doest matter.

jay kay be who you are, love ya kid. call em sometime. whats your screen name?
hey nick, inserted my funny story in my diary
its nathan, not nathen