School is for nerds.

school is back. o well. good to see everyone. ok im ready for summer again. actually im not i need to talk to a few people about some stuff... two new faty's!!!!!! yay!!!! juan and karrick. coolo. ready to go 3 2 1 gone.
Read 12 comments
:p hahhahahha
hey nick. whats up?!?! any ways, your silly you always make me laugh at lunch, see you on monday BIATCH!
nick,you are a god among nose hurts.

drugs are bad nick.dont do em.

hey u noe my name. lol. but it's carrick. ur prolly the closest guess ever. unless sum1 told u. o well. enough complain'n. word yo. skewl is otay. u should gone to the coffee house. jk. it was kinda bore'n. o well. my job is bore'n as hell!!!! but im almost done. wat grade u in? 10th. ok im done...
hey u noe my name. lol. but it's carrick. ur prolly the closest guess ever. unless sum1 told u. o well. enough complain'n. word yo. skewl is otay. u should gone to the coffee house. jk. it was kinda bore'n. o well. my job is bore'n as hell!!!! but im almost done. wat grade u in? 10th. ok im done...
sorry bout dubles i went back w/ the lil arrow and i guess it refreshed or sumthuin o well.
Hi Nick pal!! It's Reem! whats up??
are you REGGIN you little bitch? you be damn sure your at that bench place after school on tuesday, ima ride my bike over there and visit you all ok!
i'm jenna's cousin. i met u on the sidewalk near my aunt's house a few weeks ago. we're in the same biology class.
3-2-1 lets jam. dudududu. guess what thats from. hahaha.
i don't got it. you can search my stuff. here is my agenda, my binder, some sunglasses....