There's Something happening here, what is is ain't excatly

There's a man with a gun over there. Telling me that I got to beware. Heh, good song. Does that bring me back to last summer or what? And boy does it feel like Summer. Like Spring lapsing into Summer I believe, because Spring has more or less always been the same and I think maybe that explains stuff. So will Summer be better? Let's hope. It always has been. Well yesterday was... weird I think. To put it in Dom's words (which possibly aren't Dom's words at all) "Someone's baggage train just derailed." But then I think things got better and now I understand some of the stuff that I didn't before. And so today was great. It felt like summer finally. I drove to Albany and that was fun. Lunch with mom and then borders where I bought another book I won't have time to read. The Tower of Power (stack of books for all you who don't know what that is) now is made up of The Drawing of the Three, 1960 the Making of the President, Sophies World, Ghost Wars, Othello, the book of poems I got for Christmas, and the new Artemis Folw, plus I want the Eminem biography. Sadly two at a time is really all I can handle but then i get book ADD and switch. I'd love to read them all but things suck away my time. But I will read them all, sooner or later. I used to read alot more. Sad I guess. Not too sad though. This Summer I imagine I'll do much more though. Damn, a twenty hour flight to china is gonna be enough for a long read. I don't write very much any more, not even type. I have five, six, maybe seven thousand words ready to type but I haven't wanted to. But I will. And in my opinion this shits getting pretty good. Not publishable but better. Better then it was in November by far. My people have names and faces now. And from the hand written draft to the second, typed version is generaly around a 100% improvement and I have from 8 to 2:25 to write by hand. GFT. So I have roughly 200,000 words now. Pretty cool. I figure an hour a K, and that's pretty hard work. So 200 hours times 6 bucks minimum wage comes too... $1200 (which is $1200 more then i've ever made writing novels). Let's say I was the CEO of ExxonMobil. I'd have made... eight hundred thousand dollars. So the moral of this story is that you should get a real job instead of writing. Even better you should suck up to the capitalist beast and make mad money. No, just kidding, the moral of this story is that you should be more like me. Moving on. The West Wing fucking rocks. I'm sorry if I ever dissed the new screen writers cause at least some of them are really really really good. Wow. It's not often you physically jump up and down in the middle of a show. Unless it's CSPN. I do that all the time. Seriously. Moving on to politics. Delay is about to get raped. Fun shit. He deserves it. I almost hope the filibuster is eliminated because when it is and when Liberals get back in power (I say Liberals cause the Democratic party may just roll up and die at a moments notice) we are gonna make republicans eat it for breakfast. Oh it's gonna be hot. Twenty three year old lesbian minority abortion doctors on the supreme court. The age deal may be unconstitutional but that's ok cause we can repeal that one right along with the second amendment. Though for the record I dont want to repeal the 2nd amendment because the violent overthrow of the government isn't always a bad thing. Any way it's gonna be hot. Assuming America survives Bush. I never quite know if I want to go into politics right out of college but the sheer joy at the prospect of slaughtering the sacred cows of the radical right that I may do it. We shall see. Shot tomorrow. Typhoid maybe? I don't remember. Maybe I will get to drive. I hope tomorrow is a good day. I've had a weird stretch of good days following bad for awhile now. Maybe it's like that a lot all the time and I'm just noticing more. Today was good. I think tomorrow will be OK. We shall see. The whole good/bad thing is making me feel bi-polar. Maybe I am. Ok I'm tired now. I'm gonna listen to some music and maybe hit the books and then bed.
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