I suppose the new year calls for some kind of review entry. This year was indeed quite the year. It seems hard to believe that all of the stuff has happened this year. I know most people talk about time flying, but I don't know about that. This year has seemed quite long in many ways. And I do think that my year was quite a bit... more interesting then the average one is.
I honestly can't say I remember much of the early year. There was having a real girlfriend for the first time of course. There was school. There was Giles. There was Giles hating. I ended up not doing nearly as much writing as I wanted to. Still, I think I'm probably a good deal better then I was before. There were People to People meetings. There was spring which is always fun. Then there was summer. I said good-bye to Clara, the first friend to depart. I had yet another ex-patriot fourth of July. There was China of course. China was like a year in itself. I saw some really incredible things and had some indescribable experiences. If I could convey it, it would be pretty awesome but I can't. I'll just say that if you haven't experienced true sadness then you haven't really experienced love or hate or any aspect of real life. There was summer after China, reading The Grapes of Wrath outside in the sun. There was my ever growing love of hip hop, which was totally non-existent a year ago. There was varsity soccer. Then I got to start a few games. There was beating Albany, the highlight of the season. My first Varsity assist. The awesome teachers of this year. Physics! Drama of course. Sadness that I missed four shows in High School, but Drama has been life changing. Thanks to all of you for that. NYLC was fun. Speaking in front of 400 people, I'll never be nervous speaking in front of a class. Then just all my friends. You guys are great.
And I porked...
-Harry S. Truman