Jelousy is a big green monster!

Feeling: aggravated
Hey guys! Whats new in the world? Blondie is coming to town this wensday! yes! Im so excited! Wow and me and whity the arm pitty are going to see Story of the year and the lost prophets! Wow so im jelous b/c jackie got a great b/f and i have none! Joe is great to her and she is so lucky to have got him! its not that i want joe i just want someone who likes me like joe likes jax! Well we were talking for like forever last night and we were saying how great it would be if we knew there was no sexual pressure from guys towards girls and how it would be really great to just be with them but hen its really fun so its hard to say! so anywho Sterling ... hum haven't heard anything except that he likes me. Yeah so you are thinking why thats a good thing jessica well actually did i tell you that he has a girlfreind ! ahh yeah he has someone already but his brother and he told me that he was breaking up with her to go out wiwht me! but if he will do that to her will he do that to me? Anywho i start the dreaded morning practice on tuesday this means i have to get up at 5 so i can get ready to go exercise at 545 then i have to get ready at school eww then i have to go to school with wet hair gross! oh and then i hav eschool and then i have more practice and then i have to go to play rhursal and in between that i have to get the guy i like to like me back and remain at a good grade point average! woow! hey well i have to go to bed b/c jax kept me up all night an di was like the living dead today ahhhh not a pretty picture and if i can't do that how am i going to survive water polo! well w/e have to get sleep must sleep ahhhh! love yall more than the stars in the sky smoochey boochey! -jess the mess (childhood names always stick!)
Read 12 comments
omg! you are so funny. you and aaron must go out- i swear you will end up marrying eachother. haha his mommy! what a mommy;s boy -just like you- dont worry jess i know you have penis envy. dont worry it will work out.
what do you mean by sexual pressure?
whatever you say-- dont deny it you know its true!
Awesome! Thanks for the advice. *tries to find a banana and gets some water* =)
omgosh ya i know! lol i like the colors in your diary!
whity the arm pitty .. never call me that again haha!...
lol... yeah i shaved it but i didn't shave it all.... just the sides...
worry not... it looks pretty normal.
but i dont feel pressured with joaquin, if i did, i wouldn't be with him
yeep yep we are
blondie B)
hey best friend...with my english teacher...i talked to my counselor to switch and the only way i could was if i moved english to 6th and had mrs. laimen 2nd for algebra...i hear mrs laimen was a bitch and i'm happy with the teacher and people in my algebra 2 class...
But yeah..we really should hang out this weekend. what do you wanna do? shopping????
lol. we were talking about you giving me the advice about the banana and water. A kip is when you put your toes to the bar and then it's like a motion of putting your pants on. You end up supported on top of the bar. lol, I hope that made sense.