hello stranger

Listening to: fireplace going
Feeling: zonked
huh so yeah here i am sorry that i ahven't been on lately i just didn't feel like it a hahah im kidding ive been really busy don't worry i haven't been taken over by the hideous hoards of myspace lovers! anyway i put zesty as my mood but im not exactly sure how a zesty person feels but i always remember those zesty comercials do you remember those? haha yeha so a whole lot ahs been up with waterpolo and the one acts and im going ont he tiger cruise classes and then i have a boyfriend to balance out so whew yeah ive been busy! haha so about htis b/f he is the best he is so hot he turns me on like all the time haha tmi sorry! btu i love him so very much and yeah i miss jax b/c im so busy but im trying to make time and shes busy so that never works out anywho love you all! smooches bye haha you thought i wouldn't have any smooches left but i always have them for you guys!
Read 13 comments
yeah i know,... we need to hang out.
Haha you mkae me hot to and I love you very much. And you listened. Thanks for commenting me!
jess, that IS my life, the great soviet empire. besides what is their that u really want to know.
w0w yer background rocks my socks hehe
smooch smooch..haha luv ya!!
do you know how to get a forgetten pw back i cna't tremember what my pww to my new diary xxxnirvana is
i saw you at the ventura pool today. i was watching the game while sitting on the ground on my skateboard. but ya. my names keshara, and i go to foothill.
later days...
you were out of the water, and you were just leaving. i think.

i dunno..i can remember a lot of stuff. except like when my mom tells me to do something, i always forget. its wierd.

sounds fun fun. my valentine's was totally awesome. it was great. i love my joseph so much. hes the sweetest thing to ever walk the earth.
nah, im not in the play, but im backstage. it'll be pretty good, you should come see it in march.

Love Ya
meow meow