Why me????

Listening to: Country music
Feeling: sinful
Im sick again why me???? this is like the fith time this year i have contracted tonsilitis lame! another why me is why are guys such duech bags??? it seems to me that boys should die forever all of them yeah even the hot ones they deserve to die!!!!! thats it my friends are the only ones who deserve the time of day! peace
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My Name On Myspace Is Doom And Gloom Girl! LOL!
i had probs finding u on myspace but i think i found u. do u live in california?
if u want all guys to die then i'm toast. haha ur sick 2. the only thing i like about being sick that i can other people sick.ha.
boys are busted
but... what about me??

dont i deserve some time??

^_^ just kidding...

sorry bout your tonsils...
yea, boys should die. = well i hope you feel better.

your tonsils!!??



yayay!!! ICE CREAM!!!

im sick but thankfully no tonsil issues:)
i love you so much jess

boys should die

and burn in hell
why should boys die and burn in hell?
think for a second if there were no more boys, the world would literaly be gay. hm. innyhoo its spelled douche. just so you know. and im sorry boys are lame-os.