Anarchy is the only solution!

Feeling: caffeinated
Well guys i feel very caffinated b/c i had a coke and that was like the first in forever! ok but today im talking about the fucked up government! ok lets start with the problem at hand bush is a f'in dick he is like the worst president ever that is my exact thought what has he done for us except gotten my dad shipped off to fucking iraq nothing mother fucker! ok but then we have the next problem named kerry like that mother is any better no wait has anyone actually listened to that idiot???? he knows nothing he is like the most slow person ever!!!!!! so here is the plan we need to go all out anarchy and no one vote we take over the government and put the man whore clinton back in control b/c at least he knew what he was doing! or better yet lets put his wife incontrol of the damn country that sounds likea plan! but you know tell me what you think about it if oyu like bush fuck you but tell me why if you like kerry fuck you too but i wanna know why if you like them you better have a danm good reason! well love you guys so much haha bipolar i know! well smooches no more pity partties for anyone it makes this world so lame! Go to the crazy janette concert on friday at the ventura theater 7 for 10 bucks or less! you heard! its going to be fucking insane well byebye! love your bestest friend jess haha the bipolar bitch what can i say!
Read 15 comments
It's no one you know
hey babe,...yes thanks i think we are cute too, haha. hmm, got some anger out there, haha. thats an awesome header pic, i like it alot. love you lots
Yea, fuck Kerry, but fuck Bush more. It's all aobut Nader. If Nader was in office, he would of had Saddam come over and smmoke a bowl with him and talk shit over. it would be baaaaadass. I couldn't go to the show, no ride.
How the fuck did you guess? I co
Do you have AIM or anything?
leave a note to a boy with cancer, give him hope, give him love. read his entries and understand him better. be a friend, be a nice person. he wants me to forget him so i won.t be sad when he dies, this is impossible. i want to make everything better but i can.t so i will do all i can to help make them better little by little.
xo. jess
yo jess, yeah bush is an idiot. This country is falling apart. i love you
p.s. anarchy is impossible!! it just doesn't work! i like your pic!
Bush is the best, he is the one we need. I know what your going through my only bother is in IRAQ fighting, you are not the only one, but what are we suppose to do,sit back and let the terrorists hurt us all! NO! He is doing something, wether u like it or not, it had to happen, and it did. OKAY! We have our own opinions, and Yeah Im angry my bros in Iraq, but Im happy we are trying to stop these people from hurting america. GEEEZ!
hahaha, Such like a Republican to post anonymously. Drop Bush, not bombs.
no im not mad at you!!! im just busy,..and i have all these stupid things to do today,..ugh. i dont want to do the thing for english. im tired of essays. im kissing joe tonight,..wish me luck!!
no its not
i just wanted to thank you for the time you took to message my friend [sikboy] it really means a lot to the both of us.
please check up on him and keep in touch. have a wonderful evening.
xo. jess
i am sorry to hear about your family... cancer is a terrible disease. nobody deserves it. lost too many people from it already.
yes i know hmmm is one ok a kind.
just contemplating the anarchy thing you mentioned.