
Can't we say I'm bitter And leave it all at that? You take a deep breath Shudder, fall back It's enough enough to you You act like it's my job To pull everyone through I'm impressed You're so much better And I'm a mess This is just a test Of our faith Loyatly falters Our passion is slain Gone to the dogs And we're out just the same Take a deeeep breath Shudder, fall back It's fact We're done It's through I'm sick and tired Of looking up to you You're not better And I'm not worse You're gone You're out Things make sense Take another deep breath Shudder Fall back It's over ---------------------------- "See...? See...?" She smiled her broken smile and picked up the pieces, they tore and caught at her flesh as they slipped through her fingers one by one. "Don't things make more sense now...?" I stared at her, down on the floor and bleeding on her hands and knees. "Don't things make more sense once you take them apart...?" Her smile looked fragile as she stared at me. Her eyes seemed to reflect all of my sins, broken to pieces and put together in crystal clarity... All in her eyes. And she cried. I stared back at her, almost angry at how she could think that things were that easy. But all I felt was regret, as I said the last thing I'd ever say to her and turned my back to everything I once believed in and walked away. "Only if you can figure out how to put them back together."
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ty so much for your comment
it made me feel like someone in this whole fucking heartless world cares