From what I can tell they seem really happy togehter, and for some odd reason this really upsets me but it's going to have to be something that i just learn to get over. I feel bad becasue I know that i should be happy for him, perhpas not them, but at least him. Though I can't help but know how much it hurts me to watch her with him, to know that she could never love him nor care about him as much as i do. But it's not my life, he needs to make his own mistakes, he needs to be happy and becasue of that I need to let him go. Every part of my heart though still beats for him. I did the crazest thing yesterday, before I went out for some strange reason I put back on his necklace. It's only heart break, I will get over it eventually. Though part of my heart will always belong to him, and I don't ever see myself loving anyone the way I love him but that's my secreat. I feel like he's my one in five billion and for that very reason I hope that it works out. I told a friend that I think someday I might end up with him, but if they are happy who knows. Maybe i'm just jealous becasue she has everything that i have ever wanted yet doesn't appricate it.