
Listening to: Unforgetful You
I'm in a 90's music mood. And... I have the Pina Colada Song stuck in my head... "If you like Pina Coladas And getting caught in the rain If you're not into yoga If you have half a brain If you'd like making love at midnight In the dunes on the Cape Then I'm the love that you've looked for Write to me and escape."
Birthday:Too close to the 4th for enjoyment
Birthplace:The place with all the hippies
Current Location:Um... where the hippies now lawyers/doctors settle?
Eye Color:Blue
Hair Color:Brown
Height:sooo don't care...
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
The Shoes You Wore Today:Jimmy Chou (don't hate me! I'm a shoe person!)
Your Weakness:Green eyes
Your Fears:Ha. Like I'm stupid enough to share
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Living.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:Omg (especially since I don't use it in real life...)
Thoughts First Waking Up:Shit! I'm late!
Your Best Physical Feature:Well I like my nose.... but consider how much people stare... my eyes
Your Bedtime:*snorts* riiiight
Your Most Missed Memory:Love
Pepsi or Coke:neither
MacDonalds or Burger King:um... ew? Nation's baby! Or at other house Big D's
Single or Group Dates:depends on the guy and the group and the activity
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:ewwww
Chocolate or Vanilla:*pouts* vanilla seeing as how i can't EAT chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee:again, ewww
Do you Smoke:no
Do you Swear:sometimes
Do you Sing:Yes
Do you Shower Daily:Yeah... unless I'm sick (which happens a lot so I do have to mention it)
Have you Been in Love:No. Not even close.
Do you want to go to College:Yes
Do you want to get Married:No
Do you belive in yourself:For the most part. Somethings hell no
Do you get Motion Sickness:No
Do you think you are Attractive:um... pass?
Are you a Health Freak:Fuck no
Do you get along with your Parents:FUCK no
Do you like Thunderstorms:um... loud noises? no... they actually scare the shit out of me...
Do you play an Instrument:no
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:no
In the past month have you Smoked:no
In the past month have you been on Drugs:no
In the past month have you gone on a Date:um... not by most people's definition.... I'm weird like that....
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:No. We don't even really have a mall. We have a shopping area. And I hate shopping...
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No. I like the cookie part. And that's not worth a box.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:no
In the past month have you been Dumped:Actually... I've never been dumped.... huh... hadn't thought of that before...
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:no
Ever been Drunk:no
Ever been called a Tease:not to my face *grins evily*
Ever been Beaten up:um... pass?
Ever Shoplifted:yeah. When I was little
How do you want to Die:not a question I think I should answer right now.....
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:Anything that has to do with writing
What country would you most like to Visit:Ireland
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Green
Favourite Hair Color:*shrugs* black i guess.... I don't really care
Short or Long Hair:short
Height:*shrugs* taller than me... that's all i ask
Best Clothing Style:comfortable, but knows how to dress fashionable for an occassion
Number of Drugs I have taken:none
Number of CDs I own:jeez. You want to count that many?
Number of Piercings:Ears only (one more year till I learn if I really want the tongue...)
Number of Tattoos:none
Number of things in my Past I Regret:Nothing. There's things I would have changed. But I don't regret them

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