Week of Suck

So... ya this week has sucked. English is killing me, I'm not so hot on writing another 7 page paper so soon after History Day's but, hey, that's life. Speaking of History Day....it's ONE WEEK from today. I'm so nervous, the judges are going to find someway to shoot me down and make me lose like last year. At least I numbered my pages this year. Thursday was shitastic. I forgot about my Latin test and didn't study. I got 3 hours of sleep. People hate me for no reason. My purse got stuck on the railing going to Civics. I wrote down crap for my Alg II homework, cause I suck like that. It was gym day, and I suck at volleyball. I'm behind in English, WAY behind. I didn't eat lunch cause I had to do Chem homework. My period started. It was lab day. I couldn't sing the suck ass Chorus song. It sucks and should burn. Mark was like "i'll take you driving!" and I'm like "....no." Yesterday was eh. I heard our Chem homework was due Monday, so I didn't finish. Well... it wasn't. So I had to turn it in anyway. The good thing is that I'm apparently smart enough to be eligible for National Honors Society, but I won't get in. I don't think I'm "involved" enough. Anyway, today I have to get MORE blood drawn. How super is that huh? The hopefully me Erin and Bridget will get to go to Don Pablo's or maybe Indian Garden today, while my sister and mom are malling. My ovaries hurt.
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aww i'm sorry sweety, i love you!!!