So Far...

So, I saw Paula on her first birthday. She's an adorable lil sweetheart. Last Sunday, my Dad had Dan, my Uncle Tommy, Mike, my cousin Richie, my Aunt Annie, Renee's parents and well you get it, over to help take down trees in the backyard. It was fun, actually. We got ice cream afterwards. Now the bad part of that, Paula got me sick. Throwing up everything all the time sick. Therefore, who had to miss going to Disney World? Ay, me. I was so upset. My darling Cara and I were supposed to be Disney Princesses!! Dan made me feel better by bringing me soup though. Isn't he the best person ever?! I love him so much...*day dreamy sigh* Anyway, I guess that'll be it for now. I haven't got much else to say. ...'Cept the last Driver's Ed is tonight! YAY!
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i luv fairies!!! i like ur diary
I just want to tell you that it was in no way your fault that my dog got out. She just got out again and my dad, "there's something wrong with the door, it won't shut right."

So it's the door's fault, not your's.

It's also my stupid dog's fault for being so desperate to escape.