Listening to: What Do You Get- Dionne Warwick
Feeling: achy
In a word, unsettling. I left for the gym to Pilates-away my angst.
vintgecheesgrits: are you on the facebook yet?
frenchified: nope cameron joye told me to join and i was thinking about it
vintgecheesgrits:yeah, sign up right now
frenchified: she said you lamented that it used to be for the ivy leagues
vintgecheesgrtis: it's true I remember it used to be just 8 schools
frenchified: i feel underqualified
vintgecheesgrits: go join, I'll friend you
frenchified:i probably would be looked down upon from the noses of other ivy leaguers i don't think i will because i'd rather meet people face to face instead of online
vintgecheesgrits: You can't be friends with them unless you know them
frenchified: it seems artificial
vintgecheesgrits: no, you don't friend people you don't know only those you do well like if you go to a party and meet someone
frenchified: i can talk to them in person...
vintgecheesgrits: you look them up on the face book, and then you have all their personal info trust me VA, you can't fully understand it until you use it
frenchified: i'd rather meet them and carry on a conversation in.. person.
vintgecheesgrits: yeah, you can keep up with kids that go to cornell and nyu and the like oh come on just try it
if you don't like it you can just make your profile fake
frenchified: why are you pushing this?
vintgecheesgrits: because I want you to make a profile
and then friend you
frenchified: and then what?
vintgecheesgrits: just try it!
frenchified: casey it's hard for me to talk with you honestly
i do'nt why i click your screen name i need to let myself be happy and you've changed a lot
vintgecheesgrits:whaaat it's the facebook not cocaine
frenchified: i have a hard time reconciling the person i knew before you left and the person i saw over thanksgiving break
vintgecheesgrits:jeeesus christ how can you keep saying that
frenchified: because i'm questioning being friends with you
vintgecheesgrits: You have a bizarre outlook on relationships
frenchified: What do you mean by that?
vintgecheesgrits: that's a strange thing to say to someone
especially since you've spent no more than 3 hours with me since I've left lexington
frenchified: so obviously i cannot tell you how i feel?
less than 3 hours was enough for me to tell you were genuinely disinterested in me
vintgecheesgrits: I was interested in going home to sleep at the time
frenchified: i have a life i wanted you to hear about it
and i was really hurt by that...
i'm sorry what i said is not what you wanted to hear
vintgecheesgrits: I literally had not slept in a 36 hours
frenchified: i'm late for class
vintgecheesgrits: whatever
so we need to talk :cp