
LAST PERSON WHO.. 1. slept in your bed: Besides myself, John. 2. saw you cry: John 3. made you cry: John 4. spent the night at your house: Krystal 5. you shared a drink with: Alisha 6. you went to the movies with: John 7. yelled at you: idk.. 8. told you they loved you: John Have you ever... 9. gotten in a fight with your pet: Yeah all the time with Bonita my kitty.. lol 10. had an imaginary friend: Not that I can remember... 11. red or blue: Light Blue 12. spring or fall: Spring 13. are you bored: Obviously.. 14. last noise you heard: Music 15. last time you went out of the country: Never Ever.. 16. things you like in the opposite sex: Hair, Eyes, Lips 17. do you have a crush on someone: Yes 18. what book are you reading now: None 19. worst feeling in the world: Being Bored and Alone. 20. what is the first thing you think of when you wake up: I wonder what Today'll be like.. 21. how many rings before you answer: 3 22. do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Only when Im really upset about something or one. 23. if you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: Beautician and/or Psychologist 24. are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Righty 25. do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Always. 26. what's under your bed: Makeup, Shoes, Clothes under and around, and Journals. 27. favorite sport to watch: Baseball 28. siblings: One Brother, Scott and a Sister Stacy. 29. location: Milwaukee, WI 30. college plans: Beauty School and then I'll pick up a career afterwards.. and go to college for that.. 31. boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes 1yr and 1 1/2monthz. 32. do you do drugs: Ive tried.. 33. do you drink: Special occasions.. 34. who is your best friend: Preston 35. what are you most scared of: Spiders 36. what clothes do you sleep in: Tank top and Capri's / boxer shorts 37. who is the last person that called you: Preston 38. where do you want to get married: California or Flordia, somewhere warm and beautiful in the sunlight. 39. favorite number(s): 20 40. what type of automobile do you drive: Hehe I havent gotten that far in my life yet.. 41. are you timely or always late: On time or a half hour EARLY. 42. do you have a job: Yes 43. do you like being around people: Sometimes it depends on how I am usually no though.. 44. best feeling in the world: Being with my boyfriend.. 45. are you a health freak: Most of the Time 46. have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Of course... Aha Mike Fausek. 47. want someone you don't have right now: Nope but If i ever had that chance with Mike i'd surely take it! lmao 48. are you lonely right now: Yeah I havent seen my bf in 2 wkz. 49. ever afraid you'll never get married: Sometimes, but i guess if thats whats meant to be... ughmm.. 50. do you want to get married: yeahz 51. do you want kids: 2 a boy first, then a girl later on.. IN THE LAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU.. 52. cried: No but Ive thought about it. 53. bought something: A buncha clothes 54. said "i love you": No 55. met someone new: Haha yes last night!! 56. talked to someone: Katie, Cory, Krystals Dad, My parents, Alisha, Alishas mom, Cody, Chelsea, Josh, Josh, John, Johnny, John, 3 other pppl idk that i just met... ughmmm myself.??. 57. missed someone: Yeah John 58. hugged someone: Yeah 59. fought with your parents: No 60. dream about someone you can't be with: Nope. 61. had a lot of sleep: Too much.
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