The new buffet

Feeling: cursed
There's a fairly new buffet right down the road from me where I put in an application at the beginning of the year. They finally called me today. I have to go in for an interview tomorrow. Hopefully, I can get this job because I need to start saving up money to move out. John still says I might be able to move in with him but I don't know if I want to take that route. I kinda want to get my own place and not live with him for a while. I know how he lives and I don't like it. His room's always messy and if I touch anything he gets mad. I don't want to feel like I can't go anywhere and if I live with him I'll have to deal with yet another person of parental important that has mental issues. not saying his mom's a bad person, she's nice and everything, but I don't know if I can handle it because of Donna. I want to live somewhere normal. I'm almost done with my online schooling; I've only got 4 more assignments to do and I'll be done. Until then, I'm grounded. I turn 18 in 4 days. I can't believe I'm still getting grounded haha. Donna thinks that because her life sucks, she can take it out on me. That's not true, it's not fair. I'm just trying to get my life at some kind of normal point. I don't want to not have a real job at 18. i don't want to not be able to graduate. I've been busting my ass trying to make everything better from what it once was, and things are going great for now. Donna's realizing too, and she decided she wants to take out her problems on me. She pretty much just wants to drag me down, and I wont let her. I love her to death, she raised me great, but I'm not some emotional punching bag. "The old me's dead and gone away".
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