Heres some more icons;;
Hollisterr/ Clothing Love, friendships n such
More Later! =]
Id really appreciate it if you want to use these icons that you added me and commented frequantly. Thanks!
hey sweetie, i re-added u to my friends list since they deleted all the old ones.
If you ever come across any The Used or Yellowcard lyrics, lemme know! im currently addicted to em!
heres a lovely comment, thanks for letting me use some of these. i go thru the internet taking icons not for credit but just to display how i feel and stuff. i wish i knew how to make icons tho...
If you ever come across any The Used or Yellowcard lyrics, lemme know! im currently addicted to em!
i love the new icons you put up, they are wayyyyy cute. =]
i love going to this site, haha it makes my day.
- leah