your back ground kicks ass!!!
Hey! IM me at look like a good friend:). My name is Zach. I am friends with Falloutboy. Talk to falloutboy if you don't have a AIM!
love the icons you should find some more with stars in them. you are way cute btw..
Your icons are wicked!
I've added you as a friend, is that cool?

hey can you do tim burton the nightmare before christmas and the corpes bride...that would be way cool
i lovee ur icons!
whered ya go??
cool quotes.I love your site.
Hey! Havent stopped in and left you a comment in a while so I decided to! Love your background! Your so pretty! anyway! If you want to leave me a comment if you would, leave it on xanga for me! Thanks!
did you know that you repeat icons over? try not to do that... get some new ones!
i love your icons...ill add you to my friends list. will you look at my diary adn do you think that you can find some that kinda go with that idea.THANKYOU so much.monday
sweet, yeah thats awesome, go ahead take what you want :)
hows it goin?
cute icons...i added u on my othat sit.. but i got a new one... mind if i add u?
Yo i love your diary.. thanx for all the iconz =)
damnit i just wanted to say ur icons fucking rock.good job loving them i have like 20 saved on my computer so i can print them out and put them on my notebooks hehe.thx! cya later cmmt bak
aw, i love ur icons
the Addicted icon is so cute!
haha, definetely took that one!

keep on trucking =)
haha and by the way that last comment was from me ha this one
"i like the new layout! you're one pretty girl, you dont look 13, you look like 17!" i got logged out...
i like the new layout! you're one pretty girl, you dont look 13, you look like 17!
i l0ve your icons =]
i LOVE your icons
LOVE the icons!!! can you find some more andy milanokis maybe? haha sweet !!!