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Feeling: achy
ahhhhhhhhh im so tired freakin a.God i forgot my meds last nite but i seemed to beable 2 go 2 sleep it was amazin and i even woke up early, GO TEAM LAUREL heck yes, we watched nepolian dynamite again last nite "tina a u fat lard come get some dinner" i heart that movie.God damnit i need a man a hot one who listens to rock, not a freakin prep i dont need preppy boys and one thats not a stoner and he has 2 b taller than me god damn it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh luv ya work laur
Read 6 comments
haha notta problema! Do you take spanish or somethin too? I sure do..I'm in Spanish 2! haha. Later
Is it cool if i add you to my friends list?
Haha yeah. I actually have an A in there. For some reason i really like that class, besides the homework and stuff. That's the bad part about it. But otherwise it's alright. But Finals are coming up...so I'm kinda worried about that. And right about now, i'm going to do my homework that i need to do oh so bad. Lata
Haha! My teachers perky and crazy at the same time. It's like a funny crazy because she forgets things sometimes. That's cool that your'e a cheerleader! I used to want to be a cheerleader when i was little, but then i got into sports and stuff.
haha yesssss
bow to your sensei...BOW TO YOUR SENSEI!!!...that movie is AWSOME and i also heart it..thas all PE@CE. -Tru