fuckin a is it me??

Listening to: beastie boyz
Feeling: aggravated
at the moment im am very pissed at one certian person.This person ditches me and expects me to follow her the fuck around and it truely is pissin me off. i have 2 wait around for her to makeout with her fuckin boyfriend. She used to b such a good friend who was always there for me but latelys shes been like my life is more im portant then ur petty little exsistence. And she fuckin has the guts 2 talk shit behide my back. I would never fuckin do that 2 her i refuse 2, shes my best friend but she changed and its like shes to good for me, and all that matters is that shes happy, but it doesnt matter if im not. And if i say something stupid she makes me feel bad about it and makes me feel like a idiot, maybe i am, just a fuckin ugly ass bitch with no life and no boyfriend
Read 3 comments
I totally agree with you. Thanks for wishing us good luck! We played lastnight and beat paola it was awesome. Good luck at your competition! You'll do good. We didn't have school today...but i was sick! LIke with the flu or something, it sucks.I'm feeling better now though.
i think the only one of my friends that have seen it/heard it is the girl that i watched it with first! krazy huh?
wow.we're practically on the same boat. A bitch with no life and NO boyfriend... don't forget the "bestfriend"