Listening to: incubus
Feeling: amazed
hmmmmm something is pissin me off and it people who judge people when they have no idea. i kno im guilty of doin it but if u dont kno wut ive been through then do really kno how it feels? the answers is live ur life dont live it through others and tellin others how they should feel, act ,respond, or anything else for that matter b u and dont let ne one ever tell u u wrong cuz once u except ther answer u've lost and trust me loosing isnt fun
And yea.. "christmas spirit".. what a joke..
You make me wanna LaLa on the kitchen, on the floor, I'll be your French Maid.
I apologize for that...umm...random comment. Your name inspired me to sing. I swear I don't like Ashlee that much.