Listening to: beastie boys
Feeling: ambivalent
wuts up whiteys well 2 nite i went to the skate park for like 4 hours no joke it was so fuckin cold and then we went to see cursed which is one of the most retared movies ive ever seen.... ever its seriouslly gay ass gay. but 2morrow i have fuckin gymnastics and then me n ashley r goin down to the skate park 2 chill with the bitches. man why do i have 2 like cory and he has a girlfriend that hes all into. man there this really hot guy that works at colony square and ashley knows him he is so hott!! his name is monk grrr. but yes i have better things to do... not really o fuckin well
"little girls cry"
"big girls say fuck"
i like it
rock on
weed is amazing.. glad someone agrees! :)!