Listening to: none, my speakers no worky
Feeling: reluctant
Wow, a happy post. I admit I wasn't as happy as I am right now earlier today. Jason took me out to lunch and went with me to pay my phone bill, but I really wanted us to hang out more. I understand he has a life and he had to go back to work, but I don't know, I kinda just felt a little blown off. It was stupid. We had a very unsettling conversation online about relationships and our own personal problems and it ended unresolved. I tried to get my mind off of it by going to Sonic and renting a couple of movies. After he got off work tonight everything cleared itself up. I told him flat out that I like him a lot, I want him to do what comes naturally to him and that If he's willing to be patient with me I am 100% willing to be patient with him and work through any problems that may come. He is an awesome guy. I think I am falling in love with him but am afraid to say it to him. That I know will totally freak him out.
I like him entirely too much, he just excites me in so many ways. We're going to hang out and watch a few movies after I get off work tomorrow. Eeeee I'm just really excited. Love is exciting.
Thats what everybody is telling me.