Listening to: In Love - Kooks
Feeling: serene
This song isnt by The Kooks, i thought it was when i downloaded it tho...i still like it :)
Was my last ever day at work today, i do say i am never going back every summer but somehow it always happens.
I am skateboard shopping, even tho i have no money :( i wish i had never given mine to my brother he wont let me have it back now even tho he never uses it.
i kinda want a lighter one tho cos tht one was for vert when we still had a ramp :(
I shud rly go to bed i have to buy my mum a train ticket tomorow and get my legs waxed.
Well i dont have to get my legs waxed but i wana wear a dress out on thurs before it gets too cold and they are like forests.
My music has disappeared :(
Ahahahaha its the Rasmus now :D excellent
oh dear i am seat dancing, i really am a loser.
I am talking to this guy online, we have been talking for years and he is the only person in my contacts who i have never met...anyway he keeps complaining tht he cant get a girlfriend bt all he needs to do is shave his stupid creep 'tache, tho i cant tell him tht...can i?
This song is actually starting to get on my nerves, i am not as much of a loser as i thought.
Awesome i didnt know tht i had razorlights live lounge version of golden touch, its SO cool!
If anyone is reading this seriously go listen to it!
Aaaanyway ... I will be back in glasgow in 3 days and 13 hours hopefully. SHIT lol i cant wait but i really need to get sorted packing wise, my clothes are either on my floor, in the washing machine or in the laundry basket. not to mention the rest of my parapenalia which is spread out around the house!
ok im gonna go sleep so i can get up early tomorow and do all this stuff.
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