everything is going wrong i now realise that ive learned about nothing in all my classes and i need more than 24 houres in a day to study for all of them... right now im taking a small break because i just finished math homework and than i have science to tend to after that if its not 10 ill study spanish... thats my weekend is going to be...studying... alllll studying thats it nothing ealse friday ill have some fun but after that allll studying.... this week has made me a mess i havent sleped im sooo srtessed out that every time somone startes to talk w/ me about spanish i end up in tears what the hell am i gonna do.... so its the week before finals and all my teachers decide hey lets give out one hell of a lot of hw... so my english teacher decides to give us an essay and make it impossable.... than science gives us review from 4 chapters and each review takes about an hour..... also math gives me a bunch of problems that take almost 5 mins each ahhh!!! and a lot more!!!!!! but thats what im worried about for tonoight tho.... well im off i have some science calling my name!!!
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your diary is tight it makes me think of summer and all that and lemonade and stuff. i think i am going to get some right now. or maybe tomorrow, well bye bye
kickass diary/journal. have an awesome day. :]
hey i know how u feel im goin through the same thing and it suxs!
Damn it your goin!! I dont even care
Damn it your goin!! I dont even care
eek eyes!!

your background is soo bright! haha but i love it!
Wow, someone likes lemons...
hey karissa... just slow down and plus the english thing is so easy... you are putting to much pressure on your self ok.. just relax kisses charlotte