Listening to: Slipknow-Duality
Feeling: nice
Well being that it is friday,I'm hoping to go have some fun tonight... I know I have to work from 4-6:30. But I am trying to plan my night. Right now I am talking to my freind Felicia, because I am probably going to go over to her house after I get off work! I hope so cause if I dont my night will totally blow!.. anyways today has been really slow and I have skipped alot of my classes!First Me and MItch left 3rd period to just chill somewhere but we ran into Felicia and Matt so we chilled with them and a chick named Emma who went here last year. She was visiting, but she was super nice and we were all taking pictures with her Digital Cam just being goofy and silly. Then Me, Mitch, and Matt went outside of school and smoked a ciggerett. Then we came back in and me, mitch, matt, felicia, and Emma went into out school planitarium and chilled in there. It's awesome its sorta like the Cinna Dome, and you can show projectins and movies and all that good shit. Anyways Right now I am sitting in the computer lab and shit is really crazy here since is close to the last day. We only have till next thursday, but we get monday off for Memorial Day... So I ment 3 days left and thats all. I hope that my summer is funn I know that I will enjoy it. I also hope that my friends from school and I will keep in touch cause I love my buddies! Take Care everone Im out for now. Love always The Deranged Crackhead Freak!
That's really nice to say, I doubt we'll see each other over the summer, but maybe we'll see each other at the Emerson or somthing.