
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: meh
I have no clue what megalomaniacal means, but it's fun to say! I haven't updated this thing for a while. I just got back from Camporee. (which is a camp for girls) My group had loads of fun. We had tons of events and got first place in shoe toss and canoe tug!!!! GO AVON! Also, on Saturday night we had a dance. So we got to the dance at the camp and guess what?! HOTT DUDES EVERYWHERE!!! I was soooo happy. Anywayz, I am about to go finish my homework, something else, I guess. T.T.F.N. (ta ta for now) Shelle Belle
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my beautufil!! what is it then that i have to guess!!
Huh update the diary now getting old i am getting mine updated so u should too
hey... thats kool that your exploring parts of europe - especially England.

In 2007 what will i be doing? Well in 2006 I finish college, so i will either be at my first year of university or i will have a full time job!! Or maybe i'll be starting my racing career!!

Was it you who told me that you were thinking about going to Oxford university?

Anyways, i hope your well and everything, miss you a thousand hugs!! later