
Listening to: notta
Feeling: miserable
Heheheh! Guess what I did? My mom and I were going to watch LOTR3 last night, but I stayed the night at my grandma's. Knowing my mother, she would have watched it without me.(twitch) But, I brought it with me!! (claps hands) She is so mad at me. (sighs) Oh, well. I guess the cat won this time. (i refer to my mother as the dog and i as a cat) She thinks that she is sooo sneaky. Ha! Cats are a whole lot smarter!!! Today is a rainy and gloomy day here in Rohan. My family and I were supposed to go to the zoo, but my mom said that we can't go because it will be raining of and on all afternoon. *muttering*...i knew it, she is the wicked witch of the west...she'll melt..(mwhahaha) Well, I must depart from my beloved diary. What ever could I do without you? Peace and harmony through these hard years of life. -Queen of Rohan
Read 10 comments
hey, question: how do u put a picture above your age and sex? ya im lost. plz send me a message back
wheee!! rohan! nice place =)
ok, you asked me to leave a comment so here i go...

I think that you should go buy the new nfg cd (catalyst) and then get everyone you know to go bye it (sence you are the queen of where ever you live.) That way every one can be enlightend by the sweet sweet sounds of new foung glory. ahhh nfg is great
wow...... gotta love your diary! :) Haha.. thanks for the comment on mine! Take care!
l'etoile morte is checking out your diary.

cats are much smarter and they don't have to be taken outside to take a crap.

c'est tout
You asked me to comment and....you got it!!! Hey whats up. New found glory SUCKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup Metal heads!!! Ummm later
Oh thats awesome! and I Love your diary! I wanna see that movie so bad!

AHH hot background. loving it. 0.o
hello Queen of Rohan
woot woot Lord of The Rings!!!
...you and your mother have a cool relationship
maybe I should call my mom a monkey and I'll be the tiger
Well, that was sneaky. I am proud of you (even though dogs are soooo much beter.. hehehe). I'll be gone for two weeks in RI (read journal), so I'll call you when I get back. I'll miss you!!*sniff* Have fun without me![begins to weep bitterly]
P.S. So now everyone is copying off of my queenliness!? OUTRAGOUS!!! [begins to mutter]First Queen of Rohan, Pumpkin, and now Gondor! WHAT NEXT!?
