Listening to: notta
Feeling: reborn
HEY! I haven't updated in a while. So, now i'm updating. School has been going good so far. On Halloween i was Queen Guinevere. I had fun at my halloween party! So, here I am. Chrissy is grounded, so i have no one to hang out with today! poor me. I am done with my homework, there's nothing on the tv, and i am running out of things to talk about! I have a question for anyone who reads this diary! Does anybody wanna be pen pals? It is sooo much fun. I have a total of ten pen pals and counting! Election Day was today here in the U.S.A. Go Bush! He better win or our country is going to collapse to the terrorists. Kerry is a liar and a cheat and needs to die slowly and painfully!!!
~Shelle Belle~
Proud of me?
[victory dance!]