
Listening to: A Whole New World
Feeling: punky
Heylo allies. Sup? Nothing's going on here. My step-dad just moved out cuz my mum and him are getting a divorce. Finally! Freedom! Tonight I am watching my sister while my mom goes out with her friend, Stacey. Nothing else though. Final exams are next week. Eeeek! Hope all is well. ~Shelle Belle~ ~QOR~ Here is where i am going to use my right for freedom of speech. Yesterday i seen a commercial that said that skin cancer is becoming a big problem for teens and that they are thinking about having a law that you have to be over 18 to tan in a tanning bed. Number one; it's not like the teens don't know the consequences of tanning. they chose to put their skin in danger to tan. they signed the contract, which you have to do before tanning, that tells them the possibilities and dangers of tanning. They chose to tan, even though they might get skin cancer. Number two; it's none of the bloody government's decision on whether we tan or not. they don't have the right to band tanning, especially when we know the consequences and understand them. it's not like we're stupid. i am so sick and tired of watching my rights slowly slip away while nobody does anything about it. so guess what! i am taking a stand for the teens that do tan. it's their business, their decision, and their right to go tanning. i personally do not tan. i don't want to risk my skin for it, but that's my decision. if somebody else wants to then that's their problem. just because i don't tan doesn't mean i don't care! Our rights of freedom are being taking away and it is time for the future people of America to stand together, united, with the same thought in mind; FREEDOM! if u have any comments please leave them. fight for liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness with me Americans. The land of the free is starting to crumble, and we've got to stop it immediately. What happened to democracy? I say: What democracy? Right now their isn't any justice or equality going on. thanx for listening. *sighs*
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A driver without not licence kills a person in a hit and run.... the driver at fault is punished with a ban and fine of several hundred pounds. Thats England for you.

Hows everything going?
Hey, I got your letter... I shall do your letter tomorrow and send it on tuesday - I promise!

Hope all is well.