
Listening to: peter pan (movie)
Feeling: alive
Can you feel it? *breathes in air deeply* Ah, the sweet scents of summer. Finally, a day of relaxation and well..*shrugs* good air. I live for days like this. Soooo whose going to go see Harry Potter 3? *stands up, screams "I am", and starts dancing around the room*(about 5 minutes later her majesty shakes her head and takes her place back at the computer) Sorry about that my good people. YOu know what? I feel like doing something., but what, I do not know. Hmmmm. I feel like reading, but since I have read every book I own, that is kind of hard to do. I want some lemonade. (calls to maid, "Darling, do fetch me a glass of lemonade, will you?") Ahh, the sweet sense of power, quite refreshing. ( "Ahh, thank-you milady, you may have a little break. May I suggest to you going outdoors for awhile? Surely you like this weather? Good. Be on thy way, then. Cherio.") Well, my fellow companions, I feel like exploring...maybe the internet? Hmm...yes...that sounds splendid. Farewell, and good health to you.
Read 24 comments
To reach the pinnacle of motor sports, Formula 1 - to have a gorgeous wife, to be able to sit in the cockpit, steering down into the horizon and feeling my success and the beautiful life i have... It probably sounds like i want the perfect like, but its just two things, i sometimes wonder whether I'll ever get married even though I would like to...
im mostly into rock. rt now im listening to blink 182. so do you play any sports?
oh i love your diary orlando bloom and brad pitt are hott!!!!
EEE ^.^ Youre INSANE!! (with all due respect of course your majesty) and its lovely. Continue doing so. I am the queen of Camelot so we can consult each other on matters of our queendoms, if it pleases you.
I LovE lotr... Awesome movies. i love action movies. what kind of music are you into?
im going to see Harry Potter:) so excited cant wait! your diary is awesome... I LOVE the pics ;)i cant wait till summer vacation.. i have 9 more days of torture. LOL.looks like you have good taste in movies.. what other ones do you like?
I'm leaving a comment :)

i like your diary... love the troy theme, very sexy. anyway just a leave a comment on my diary <3
thanx :) Orlando is sooo hot
yep, thanks, i'll talk to you later. happy days
Beverly hills is a place that i wouls love to live when i'm older, i should go now, bcos i need to clean my room before my bro and his girlfriend come over, its been nice chatting to you though... also i would like to visit many other countries as well, i love to explore!! take care
yeah i sometimes do that too, i like doing it though, its kool, can i add you as a friend?
hey.. thanks for the comment :) yummm, lemonade sounds soo good right now! cute diary :D


No, I'm not.

For fuck's sake. I have a bad couple of days and people think I'm depressed. Unhappiness is not necessarily depression.

I have a wide variety of music, i mainly like rock though, i don't really like anything hard, but like i said it can vary!! My dream: the future (i will explain in another comment)
Read a pointless comment: leave a stroppy comment.

Motor sport is my number 1 sport, its my home... one day I will be a racing driver. I like many other sports though, basketball is kool, movies rule-whats your favourite film? mine is probably 10 things i hate about you. what kinda music you into?
Kool, are you interested in racing? wasn't the indy 500 yesterday or today as well. We don't have tornados or earthquakes over here, if we ever did I'd stick my foot up their ass!!
greek is kool, what state do you live in?
you mean latin, spanish whatever, my mom can speak all that gibberish, it would be kool if i could speak it, but i can't... too lazy to learn as well
lol, its all good i know what u mean. i was just wondering, but thats cool..ttyl. peace
kool, i was born in soggy old england, but i'm also half latin, from my mommy's side, the latino side is more in my blood, happy days
hey, oh ok then... r u french as well?