[23] woot

Feeling: alive
Ya! I'm un-grounded!! *sigh* finally! it feels so good to be back on the computer!! :D lol. welllll.. whats newwwww....? **Umm, well, i went to Dairy Queen with Rita & Neha. it was so much fun!! Me & Rita split a banana split and Neha's like: i don't like bananas. and Rita sed: I'm surprised u don't like bananas, cuz u look like a monkey!! lol it was so much fun and SOOOO funny. its like a rebellious thing with Rita & Neha, but Rita's never serious. it's just funny. cuz they r friends too. sooo anyway. it was Rita's "Best Hour" because she kept coming up with these funny things. omg i was crying cuz it was so funny!! **and then Neha had to go home and we went and got Steph and we went over to Alex's house and waited for him. but he never came out!! :o lol. so anyway... we came back two days later.. to Alex's house and he came out FINALLY. anyway. while we were waiting, tho, Mike Sliz was there (( Rita's friend )) and he skateboards so Rita was trying to skateboard and she was SOOOO good!! :P lol jk. but it was funny. (( oh, and the sexy pee pee boy << lol )) << inside joke. anywayyyyyyy im pretty bored rite now. im going to Elevate soon. so i got to go gets ready! :D ttul!!! LUVVVVVVV -Court-
Read 3 comments
lol I like your diary too! AND your sn! I LOVE duckies! I want a duck for a pet...like they had on Friends lolol. good times!
no one can hear you moo when you close your door either
heck ya, I wanna be friends! you rock!