[40] Been A While

Torri just sent me a hott picture of herself- haha! And now I'm going to post it on here! This is my best friend, Torri, currently living in Mich. She rocks my socks! =P Sorry it's small, but my image hoster is dumb. EDIT: PICTURES OUT- I LOOK LIKE A STONER haha Oh and here's me from the camera fun day- haha I look so funny! And not in a good way! =P I'm wearing my "V is for VEGETARIAN" shirt! Hmmm.. so what's been going on? Well, right now I'm fighting the urge to go and get the camera and have fun again! Lol... But I'm wearing this Bears jersey thing and a red skirt and I have wet hair, so I don't think anyone wants to see that! Lol. Maybe I'll get the cam- If I do, I'll be sure to post the pics! ^^ Edit: Today just wasn't a picture-taking day! =P Maybe some laterrss! Well... today... nothing exciting happened. I came home from Neha's house with Julianne - spending the night there was so much fun! I was so happy to see Neha again! Because we don't really see each other outside of school, so that was a nice change. The night was fun, though, because we watched Dirty Dancing: Havan Nights and I absolutely love that movie! And then we started to watch Kal Ho Naa Ho (it was in subtitles for me & JJ =P) which is one of my favorite movies, too! Ahh it's so sad! But Julianne and Neha fell asleep. I stayed up and watched it, though, because I couldn't stoip watching it! Lol... addictive-sounding, I know lol. But yeah... before that we (me, JJ, David- Julianne's friend person) went to Cosmic Fingerprints- a thing at Willow (our church). It was kind of interesting, and me, JJ, and David were talking during it =P but yeah.. entertaining night. We saw Mike there (I am not going to repeat who these people are, if you don't know then check my other entries). Yeah, he messed up my hair and David made fun of me for that, lol. Grr =P So after that thing, David stole JJ's phone and was running around, but we were kind of just walking trying to catch him (showing no effort is what I'm getting at). So it was odd... yeah so he threw a snowball at me and so I tried to get him, but my hands got all wet and cold. So instead, I smushed snow on JJ's head hehe. She chased me for a while, but it's all good! Lol. We started to watch "Of Mice And Men" on Friday, and it's so cute! I love Lennie and the puppies and Candy's dog! Aww they are so cute it's so sad to know what happens in the end! =( But I'm going to go now because I am planning on watching Dirty Dancing: Havan Nights =) Leave some comments! Much <3 xCourt
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you totally got that shirt at Urban Outfitters.

fuck yes.

i have the one that reads: G is for gankster.

lol i gave up meant for lent.
so maybe the vegetarian one suits me as well.

♥ Jess.