[33] oops

Feeling: beaming
Hey hey heyyyy huns!! ^_^ I haven't written in SOOOO long!! Well, just to get ya'll(in NOT texan - lol) caught up on this thing... I went to Pittsburgh, PA last weekend!!! OMG!!! Best time of my LYFE!!! There, we (my dad, julianne, and i) met another family - Tyler & Kyle (weren't the whole family, but the people we "hung out with"). Yeaaaaaah... so anyways. The first Cubs vs. Pirates game we went to, the Cubs were doin really well in the 1st inning and ssslllooowwwlllyyy went doooooown.. heh. ^_^ (i love that face thingy - lol - & these O.o o.O - hehe). Well, enough with that!! ^_^ The second game we went to (again, Cubs vs. Pirates), the Cubs won!! By 11!! It was awesome!!!!!!!!! Well, back to the 1st game... After it, they showed fireworks & stuff & played different songs during it including William Hung; Remix of "She Bangs" - lol. Yeah, but it was still so MUCHO fun!! ^_^ Well, we went swimming b4 & after that too, which was fun ^_^ until a mean lady yelled at Pat, Michael, etc.. Urgh... O.o Hehehehe... okay............................. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! Today was our Graduation Party!!!! It was SOOOO MUCHO FUN... but there is only ONE DAY left of school!!! AND I DONT WANT TO LEAVE CARL SANDBURG!!!! *tear* -I know it sounds stupid, but i dont wanna leave!! :P Anywayzzzzz; WHY ISNT MY MUSIC PLAYING!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! lol.. hehe, i luv music soo mucho ^_^ lalala.... otay, ill stop now o.O At the party (which was during school, i might add ^_^ [hehe]), they had this obstacle course thing, where u race ur friend & i raced julianne 3 times & beat her 3/3!! teehee. But, the second time, i had to jump over Sean Enos because he, like, fell in a hole o.O lol. And the 3rd time, i fell out of the course (shut up >_< - lol) & i h ad to jump back in. But i fell bcuz i slipped on the foot pedal thing where u climb up this tall wall thing. And, they had a pie-eating contest & face painting & sno-cones ^_^ yum. & they had a horoscope person where she, uh, told u ur horoscope O.o and it was all, like, true!! it was really creepy o.O O.o heh. Oh, and now im sunburned and it hurts like ...!! >_< Well, they also had this moonwalk & i did 1,000 flips on it ^_^ heh. And then, when ur done, u climb up this ladder thing & slide down the slide and me & jj & neha stayed up there and it was very fun ^_^ and then me, jj, and lisa stayed up there, and they were purposefully (i know its not a word - lol) trying to bother us (the other ppl on the moonwalk) by raming into the side of the moonwalk. & then i fell down the slide and kept trying to get back up for, like, 10 minutes o.O and then finally i did ^_^ It's SOOOO hard!!! O.o Well, that's all in my *cough non cough* exciting lyfe ^_^ luff yew lotz *court*
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hey haven' talked in awhile so wanted to say hey. omg u were kinda close to me. i am from pa. what i read it sounds like u had fun.Cool. Later hun!