ummmmi forgot what i was gonna say..

lol. we all are your friend?
im confused.
well gotta go.
joey ^_^
i've done that to my friends...but only cuz they'd annoy me...>=^) heh heh...i can be evil at times...not reallieleave a comment please
Amy Lee is fuckin HOT! I just decided to say hi to random people cause I'm in the best mood I've been in in a LONG time. Hi.
lol- go passions!
Those tests were pointless and gay... but easy... that was nice... i think i knew almost every answer... give or take 1 or 2...
"cuz my friend - ya, u - wants to read it. " <---- That. lol

yah. i'll add you

jaclyn ^_^
Sure. Friends are good.
I've never had someone ask me if they want to be friends with me. I'm flattered! Of course, we can be friends. Thank you!!! That made my day!