[41] Bloody Git

Feeling: sluggish
Yeah, nice title right? Haha.. this title is dedicated to my new blog name. I picked it because.. well.. I think guys are bloody gits. And normally people would be like, "why are you trying to be british?" Well, I'll answer that before anyone can ask me 0.- Haha 1. I am not trying to be British. I have been reading a lot of British fan fics lately that have gotten me into the habbit of saying some of the phrases. In no means am I trying to be something I'm not, it just sort of comes now. 2. "He's a bloody git" is because, yes, I think guys are bloody gits, don't you? Haha, I just think that lately guys have been getting on my nerves some and it's bloody annoying. So that's what the title means. So yes, there you go, my explaination. Well, for my day! Today I was actually sick and such, so I stayed home from school. Thankfully I'm better now, but I missed a gym test and probably something else important. =P But yeaaaaah.. Lately much hasn't happened. Me and Julianne went bowling with the people from housegroups. That was REALLY fun! The best I bowled was 150, but me and Julianne cheated on that and gave each other a turkey! Hahaha.. the next best was 101 for me and that was really funny because that was the game where we crazy bowled [bowling where you do crazy things, like spinning around, kicking the bowling ball, etc]. I really had a great time there! Umm.. yeah. We [Me and Julianne] went to the Saturday service of Impact and they sang Green Day [Blvd. Of Broken Dreams]. ^^ Hehe, I love that song. Yeah, anywho, my head is still kinda ringing and it's 9:20. I'm going to bed "early." Leave a message if you love me and my new layout [made by myself, thank you]. Yeah.. Muse is my new band obbsession. ^^ Love ya much! -[Court PS: Sorry, I don't write in here often so I probably won't reply to your comments very often, but I do still enjoy your opinions :) Or just up for a chat ^^ EDIT: Sorry the layout is gay right now- I'm working on it!!
Read 4 comments
im under the impretion you liike...kiwis hahx3Kayy
what an ugly kid he is :P..except in that last picx3

:3 mine
Wow, i like tom too. lol. but you can have him, i have a boyfriend.