[31] ¿'Sup?

Listening to: My Band - D12
Feeling: lovely
Hmm, not much to write about. I went to Student Impact yesterday, and im gonna miss Elevate :( lol. I didn't like S. Impact very much, it was kinda.. different. I don't like change :P Anywayz... nothing exciting ever happens in my life. lol. Oh, & it sux now cuz my friends all have bfs and I'm all alone :( lol. Well, not all of my friends, just some of them. :P Anywho. I'm bored and there isn't much I can write about. :) ttul. comment on my diary. and luff yew lotz :D *Court* (aka corky & the wine bottle sho0o0ow)~lol patrick
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I know! It is gonna be so stupid not going to Elevate for a while- maybe we'll grow to like Impace? doubt it... but we can still play DDR! :P funfunfun