[28] V. Show

Listening to: Shut up - B.E.P.
Feeling: upset
-:- Shut up, just shut up shut up -:-
omg i luv that song :D well, tonites da variety show; i didnt try out, but im goin cuz my friend ((RITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA lol)) is in it!! GOO RITAAA!! :D Anywhooooooo: today was kinda shytty. cuz, like, my friend was annoying the hell outta me lol :P but, uh.. i was asking my friend wat was going on because he was all upset & such and hes like "um, its none of your business, and i dont have to tell you?" & im like, shyt. im such an idiot! i told him he didnt have to tell me b4, but, idk it hurt. and then he was away ((online)) and i left him a message sayin "sorry, i know u didnt have 2 tell me, it wasn my 'business' sorry." and he didnt IM me wen i came back on. i feel shytty nowwwwwww. OH WELL! i hope the variety show takes my mind offa that. ummmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :D so, hows life? :P NOTE TO ALL YOUS PPLS: ~please dont tell me i stole ur 'username' i didnt. go eat pants. :) and have a GREAT day :P lalala. simpsons is on. JOY!! :D oh, i am 'babysittin' my friends 2 ferrets. 2+2=4. thats how many ferrets i have living with me rite now :D cuz i have 2 and.. she has 2.. and.. YA!!! so. ferrets are SOOO cool! :P lol i luv 'em. anyway, i g2g get ready. TTUL!! and comment in my diary :) it makes me happy lol. !~LUFF YEW~! -:-court-:-
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Aww, I was expecting pictures of rubberduckies..