[36] So Long

Listening to: T.V. Show
Feeling: kawaii
Hey everyone! I haven't written in a really long time! I have so much to write, but a short amount of time. I went to Michigan in the summer. The story of my life! I loved it so much there, even though it was, like, the only week where it rained almost everyday. The last day it didn't rain, though. But still, I wouldn't have traded it for anything! I met a lot of great people, like the people we stayed with, Nick, Rose, Chrissy, and Steven. And the Bullards and Corey (though I don't really know her). While we were staying there, Chrissy, Torri, Abby, Karley (I think that's how it's spelled [?]), and I went to the Humane Society. We were going to maybe adopt a dog there, but decided against it, even though Chrissy found a dog she really liked. She decided to ask her mom first (even though she's 17). The dog we found was a female, nine year old, Retreiver-Lab dog named Midnight. The people that worked there found her on the streets and no one claimed her, so they named her. But the dog was just adorable; she grunted all the time and it was so cute. But they didn't get her because she would shed too much. Also, while we were there we went to a parade; it was okay, I suppose; Torri made it fun, though... she makes everything (almost always - lol) fun. :P After that, we went to Lake Michigan and swam a while, then rented 2 Jetskis and we were jetskiing for a while, which was one of the best experiences of my life! :D First, I went with Nick (because I can't drive it; I'm too young). It was my first time, so he was nice to me- lol. But then I went with April (a person I knew from a time when me & Torri went to camp together & switched names on her) and I thought I was going to die! But it was really ReallY fun! After it was my turn, I went kayaking.. that was kind of cool I guess. :) So, that was at the end of the week, before that it was fun, too, but I can't quite remember anything. Later on that night, we (Torri & Family, Bullards, Carefoots, and other people) went to see fireworks. It was fun. :) Especially when Chris & Jacob were firing off firecracker things- lol. But anyway, I'm kind of bored of typing, and my hands are getting tired, and it's getting late. So I'm off, and I'll try to write in this thing more often! xoxoxo -Court-
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heyy i dun mean to send diz as an annoymuz note buh like it won't lemme like send normal so send me an entry on cheriebabiex0
i have many questions for you. Plz write me back and i will ask you
Hey!! Like like your diary. How do you do that thing the the mouse??
My Questions.....
how did you get those words to go around your cursor? If possible, can you leave me a comment telling me how?
wow i have always wanted to go to michigan and see the great lakes. when i was like my friend moved there and i got jealous somehow so i said i wanted to go to college in michigan. Now that i'm older and less stupid i realize it gets too cold there for my california blood. anyway, enjoy pretty michigannnnn

I dont understand