This past

Audra, Well I started this entry earlier today, but I never put it online, so I'm adding to it now (so there is stuff from earlier, and then stuff from now, and now is 1:06 in the morning). I hope you got some sleep (instead of hanging out with me, jk:) ). Today was quite odd. Most of the day was sitting around in my PJs trying to force myself to read this horrible book (If anyone asks you to read Hidden Order, run in the opposite direction). Well that took up like the entire day (it's kinda sad cuz I still am not all that far in the book). All of a sudden though at like 6 I decided to try and convince my mom that she should let me go see Taxi (it was a hilarious movie, you would have liked it). I didn't expect her to let me, but she said that if I could write my FLINN essays (there are 3, and I hadn't started them yet), and write all the summaries for what I had read of my econ book, then I could go. Well I was STILL in my PJs, it was 6:15, and I would have had to leave in an hour. I am still amazed by this, but I somehow got ready in this amount of time, did some chores for my mom AND wrote 2 of the essays. It was crazy. So yeah, that was a ton of fun:). Diego was in a good mood, and Zach is a cool kid (I don't remember the girl's name who was there, but she really didn't talk all that much). I can't believe my mom didn't kill me when I got home. I was supposed to come home after the movie (which would mean being home probably before 11), but instead I got home after 12 (by 6 min., but still). She was a little annoyed, but she didn't seem to mind all that much. I just watched the show "What Not to Wear" with her, even though I'm getting up in about 4 hours. We're going to have fun tomorrow (well actually today now, but tomorrow in a way since I'm sleeping between now and then). Yesterday was a blast. I'm really glad that you and I finally got some time to just hang out (even if it was with your little sisters, they're cute). At least they got us to be in pretty good moods. My mom was slightly pissed off though that I didn't read my econ book at your house though, but oh well, talking is much more fun:). I'm really glad that you were there this time when we hung out with all the IB kids. Yeah, and now you know who most of them are. The whole experience turned out pretty well (especially since earlier in the day we were both pissed off, yeah we got over that quickly). Oh, and you know that thing that was "on hold"? (what we talked about in the car after getting food), well it's not really on hold anymore (that doesn't really mean all that much though). Singing in the car was definitely fun, but dancing and turning are not really a good combination (but surprisingly dancing and driving work out quite well). I've decided that I need to burn a CD to play in the car with "Everything You Want", "Broken" (with that lady from Evanesence), "Ocean Avenue", and "Harder to Breath" (our "we're going to die song"). Actually I was going to buy the Maroon 5 CD today, but I really didn't get out of the house for most of the day. I guess I'll buy it tomorrow. It still doesn't seem real that we're going to San Francisco on Thursday. I guess I'll eventually realize it when I'm getting onto a plane. We're going to have so much fun there though. Maybe I'll find a different hc dress while we're there (I doubt it though, but maybe). I can't believe hc is the weekend after that. It feels like it's too early to be having hc again already. We're going to have sooooo much fun. Maybe Jill will actually see me dance (yeah that was a strange comment the other day, cuz I know she's seen me dance, I've been to parties with her before, oh well, oh about that same conversation, Megan was saying how she remembered me freak dancing with Mitch once. Do you remember that? cuz I don't, and I usually remember everything). Your dress is so cute. I'm glad that you like it (especially since when I pulled it off the rack I had to make you try it on, and then you just adored it, haha). There are so many things coming up. We're going on our trip, the next weekend is hc, the weekend after that is Halloween (yeah, need a costume), and then the next weekend is the bowling lock-in. Fun, fun, fun :D. Well I'm going to go to bed now. Sorry if I'm not completely awake when you come over at 6:15 (which is freaking early) in the morning. I will seriously be half asleep (you probably already knew that would happen, not a morning person) but I'll be worse than normal since I'm still up writing this. Goodnight:)!!! See you bright and early!~ Sarah (P.S. Well since there is now a P.S. tradition, I feel obligated to write something, but I'm too tired to think of something right now, I'll come up with something good next time:) )
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