eventfulness (is that a word?)

Today we got our graduation stuff in. Wow…graduating soon…scary! We also had a meet against Arcadia today. They had no girl vaulters (and I’m the best from my school)…so let’s see, I guess I won. It was horrible though, I was in so much pain for a while that I was crying. I hate crying in front of people, especially at track because I feel like such a baby. I wish that everything was fine and I didn’t have to deal with this. oh well…life happens…fast. I also threw shot and disc today too…I’m not too sure how I did, but it’s kinda fun. Oh, this girl Tasha at track decided that Charlie and I would look really cute together, and she has taken it upon herself (I had NOTHING to do with this) to go and talk to him about asking me to prom. That should be interesting. I don’t think he wants to go to prom, but it would be fun. I’m so happy for all of my friends getting dates :) (especially you Nisha!) Audra and I have a back-up plan already in place though, so I am for sure going with a date (a HOT date at that, lol). I have gotten all of my college letters…FINALLY. Here is the final list: I made it into all of my schools (Berkeley, U of A, ASU, Boulder, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Davis) except for Stanford. Oh, and the funny/ironic thing is that I’m 98.7% sure that I’m going to U of A (like sending in registration money sure). My mom still is kinda pushing for Berkeley, but it’s pretty expensive, and I don’t really want to move to California…yet (we’ll see about grad school). Well that’s the update. I’m going to go do my hw (woo hoo…not). Love ya’all!~ Sarah :D (P.S. This probably...like 96.2% sure, lol...will be made into a public diary since I don't feel that I have any reason to keep it private...the committee will discuss it ;D)
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lets see why i went... im stupid and let peer presure get to me?? haha i dont really know, you didnt miss anything I just stood there and people asked me questions and i finally was able to go ASK HER! hehe its no longer my job! yay! Hope things are going well for ya, love you girly!
why were you in pain? does vaulting hurt?

anyways. AHH COLLEGE. omg. scary. congrats on getting into all of your schools. SO SWEET. and i think u of a is cool too cause when i come visit like the entire WORLD that is down there, i can see you too! schweet?

later sarah

oh and i put letters in your mail today. hope you get them...
