
*Audra* So today is the beginning of December…rabbit, rabbit, rabbit (yeah, I learned in English that you’re supposed to turn around 3 times while saying that…good luck) I realized that I’m actually kinda superstitious. With the “lucky penny” thingy and all:)…I know you think it’s gross when I kiss them, but they work…they do, I swear! haha. I make wishes on lots of things too...holding my breath through tunnles, on shooting stars, on the first star, and on 11:11. I also believe in fate. Well up to a point. (this topic stemmed from a conversation I had yesterday btw) I don’t believe that your fate is predetermined but that it can change with the choices you make. Good things happen to you if you try and work hard; it’s kinda a karma thing I guess. I saw an RC car for the first time today. My friend Brian showed me his and explained how it works…it was cool! It can make the cool “wiki wiki” sound (like the one you were making…lol). BTW…I am extremely glad that we don’t have friendship issues. Lunch today was fun:D. GOOD FOOD…FOOD GOOD…haha. Okay highlight of my day: the “Raging Hormones” song!!! I was about to fall on the floor (or pee my pants, lol) from laughing. I can’t believe that I made it through the song without cracking up (aren’t you proud of me!?!? :) ) So your “wiki wiki” was cute…lol. I’m supposed to be reading an Ibsen play right now…but am I? no! I’m never going to bed…yay…haha. Talking online and writing a diary entry (when I’m supposed to read 100 pages)…you should hit me with your shoe. I want to do something fun…right now…but it’s almost 11, so that’s not really going to happen. Maybe I’ll go run around the house singing Christmas carols, lol…yeah right. Too cold! My toes are going to fall off. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. I like my shirt. It’s really soft and warm. So all my relatives are now gone. Sad/happy. I want to go skiing soon. That would be soooo much fun! We’d just have to get our parents to be okay, and then we could stay with my aunt and uncle in Colorado. They have a “guest downstairs” to their house, so that would be fun! and my aunt works at a ski resort, and the last time (well like the only time actually…my parents don’t ski) I went skiing she just got us passes. Anyone reading this: If you want to go skiing let me know! I cannot seem to stay focused…can you say random? Am I asking way too many rhetorical questions? lol…Half-days are cool. I wish we had another break starting…RIGHT NOW. I’m almost done knitting that scarf that I started last year. Its pretty:). I like that I have a credit card…it’s quite useful when at gas stations so I don’t have to go up to strange scary men to pay. Finals are almost here! Ahahhahahahahahahah!!! No fun. But then break should be fun. Well I’m going to have a TON of essays to write, but then essay writing is fun right? lol (I love to learn…jk…lol…nm). Why is gas over $2? I remember when I was little and it was in the 70 cents region. Wow, I feel old (like grandparents) I need to find a dress to wear to that thing Saturday morning. Don’t know when I’ll find time for that. Oh well. People confuse me. Stop confusing me!!! Well the weekend should be fun:D. Friends, food, fun and sleep (yes, I know that the sleep ruins the alliteration, but I like to get enough sleep). I don’t know when I’m going to do my hw…oh well…who cares about hw anyway? jk (not really) I don’t like blood. Why am I randomly bleeding right now? I am sitting here on my bed, and there are no sharp objects around, so I am quite baffled. Why do people hurt the people they love? (another baffling concept) It seems counterintuitive (I like that word). I try not to do that. You’re going to hit me with your shoe again…I’m eating chocolate (and it’s now 11). No sleep for me! Mmmm, yummy. Well I am off...I think I’ll go find another way to procrastinate now. (the dog ate it…I swerar…jk) I heart U!~ Sarah (P.S. Whipped cream!!! lol ) (P.P.S I am still happy:D) (P.P.P.S Countdown till Christmas: 23 more days! Whoo hoo!)
Read 7 comments
hehe you make me laugh...thats a good thing :)

hope your half-day was fun. your comments are always so uplifting. thank you!

love nish
Wow Sarah!! You are right, you are not supposed to eat chocolate at late hours of the night. Sheesh!! I hope you ended up getting some sleep. I luv U!!
p.s. I am pretty sure that when I was in the shower (after getting off the phone with you last night after I got home from you know where) I was singing the raging hormones song!! haha :) Steven, I am sure will be quite excited to hear it. lol :) Have to go now, in Healthcare.Molls
Yay! You didn't hit me with a shoe today! woop woop...jk. I'll talk to you later:)


(Yeah, it is a good song...:D)
Oh yeah, and I found 2 more lucky pennies today!

fsleep? how about f'ingsleep? lol... im trying to fix you fun, friends blah blah blah
do i confuse you? hope not...
thanks for being so cool... (keep our secret lol)
i hope i see you tomorrow... and then movie on saturday and spanish on sunday... wow.. i will see you ever single day lol
gnight now

If you feel like embarrassing yourself, far be it for me to hold you back ;)